Tag Archives: coronavirus

Should Lawyers Discount Fees During Coronavirus 2020?
The following article focuses on the reasoning for and against discounting fees to existing clients. I will publish a post about the wisdom of offering lower fees to new clients in a couple days. A partner at a long-time law firm client of my consulting business called me this week and asked if she… Read More »

11 Things Small Law Firms Can Do to Survive Coronavirus 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 will have significant impacts on thousands of law firms across the world. How positive or negative those impacts end up being for your law firm will depend largely on what you do now. Below are 11 recommendations for surviving today’s challenging environment and achieving success in the future. Don’t… Read More »

Handling Coronavirus Issues at Your Law Firm
The below is an email I sent to my law firm clients about initial steps to take as a result of the Coronavirus. I will be adding more information to this blog as time goes on. Dear Client, I wanted to touch base with you about how Coronavirus may impact your firm and also… Read More »