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Rating Your Law Firm’s Marketing

The logical starting point for any marketing program is to evaluate what is currently going well, and what needs improvement. This will also lead to the areas where a law firm can make the most positive impact in the short-term, and goes a long way toward establishing future goals.

At Proven Law Marketing, we look at everything that impacts your success, starting with the first information potential clients will find about you, and ending with how they feel at the completion of their matter. (Have they committed to referring you business? Will they write an online review? What will it say?) Most law firms are surprised by the number of things that can and should be improved, and struggle with organizing the initial evaluation.  This is where we excel.

One-Time or Ongoing Support

While the strength of Proven Law Marketing is that we not only create ideas, but also stay around to implement them, there are times when a firm is well-served by only a marketing diagnostic.  (e.g. The firm already has a full-time marketing professional on staff, and simply needs help understanding the best strategies in the legal sector.)  In those rare instances, we provide a comprehensive evaluation, and leave the firm with very specific action items that will ensure goals are attained.  We also schedule a follow up discussion for 3-6 months to determine what has been successful and what needs additional work.

It’s important to remember that while we are often considered a long-term key partner in our clients’ success, there are no long-term contracts with Proven Law Marketing.

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