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Working with Law Firm Vendors

Most attorneys aren’t short on negotiation skills. Yet it becomes difficult to obtain a position of strength without having all the information about a particular product or offering. Combine this with the thousands of vendors providing marketing services to the legal industry and you have a very challenging task, limited of course by the amount of time you can afford to spend on the decision-making process. The options for putting your marketing budget to use are endless, not to mention the complexity of “package deals,” limited inventory, volume discounts, and everything else that even a well-intentioned sales rep will offer.

Vendor Evaluation and Contract Negotiation

Proven Law Marketing brings over 15 years of experience working in the legal sector. This includes time practicing in small and large law firms, selling solutions for legal research, practice management, litigation, and transactional work, and implementing comprehensive marketing programs.

Most importantly, we know which vendors have superior products, and how to obtain the best pricing.  That’s not to say we create an adversarial relationship for contract negotiation.  In fact, we often have strong personal relationships with the sales reps, their managers, and their manager’s managers because we work together on a number of accounts. These relationships are built on trust, and allow the focus to be placed on the very best products that will help the firm’s business.

Having an incredibly informed and experienced resource evaluating and negotiating your vendor contracts is a game changer.

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