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Maximizing Law Firm Inbound Referrals

Over the years, I’ve heard many lawyers make the statement, “Our best clients are ones that are referred by other lawyers.” I think this is probably true for most law firms. I often follow-up with question, “What do you do to increase the number of referrals to the practice.” Common answers are “go to lunch with referral sources,” or “network at bar functions.”

What clients don’t tell me is that they have a great system in place for referring potential clients they cannot help to those who they wish to receive business from in return. This is surprising, since sending business to other lawyers is certainly the best way to have them reciprocate.

A quick look at two firms will highlight the point.

Firm A is a large bankruptcy filer. They receive about 2 calls a day from persons needing an attorney in areas in which they don’t practice. If the prospect’s matter involves DUI or patents, that person is referred to one of two firms that the managing partner has close friendships with. All other types of cases are referred to the state bar, or simply told “Sorry, we don’t handle your type of case.”

Firm B also receives about 2 calls a day from unwanted potential clients. However, their intake personnel is trained to take that person’s name and matter type, then refer them to a lawyer (on a prepared list) who handles those types of cases. Every call is referred out if the firm can’t help them.  But it doesn’t end there. In addition, the intake person immediately emails the information to the managing partner, who notifies the attorney to which the referral was made to “be on the lookout.”

Which firm do you think gets more referral business?

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