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One Goal

Proven Law Marketing exists for one reason:  To help law firms meet their business goals.

There are an incredible number of things that must go right for any business to grow and provide a superior return on investment for its owners.  This is especially true in the legal industry, where competition for the best clients is fierce.

Proven Law Marketing takes a hands-on approach to getting the important things right.  The majority of these involve marketing and client acquisition strategies.  However, we make a personal investment in the people that make a law firm function, and enhance the way they view the organization and their role in its success.

The legal industry is taking notice.  In 2019, Proven Law Marketing won the highest honor in the annual Daily Report “Best Of” edition for Public Relations and Marketing. 

How We Help You Win

PLM programs work because we bring to each project the powerful combination of law practice experience and in depth knowledge of the best marketing strategies.  This combination is almost non-existent among law firm consultants, and it provides a tremendous advantage for PLM clients.  Having worked hand-in-hand with hundreds of law firms across the U.S., we also recognize that there are vast differences in what drives success at a boutique law firm in a rural market verses an international powerhouse with offices across the globe.

Proven Law Marketing clients enjoy very valuable peace of mind.  They know that everything that touches their client development effort will be evaluated and improved to give their law firm the best opportunity to acquire high value clients.

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