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Most Important Question for Client Conversion

If you aren’t asking “What are you trying to achieve?” very early in your initial consultation with a prospective client, you’re hurting your chances of converting that opportunity into revenue.  A quick story.

Years ago, I did quite a bit of work for one of the top DUI attorneys in a major market.  The results she had achieved on behalf of clients was nothing short of extraordinary, and her reputation was excellent in the legal community.  She did, however, have an incredibly difficult time converting prospects into clients.  One reason for this was her inability to identify what was most important to a prospective client early in the initial consultation.  Because she did not have that valuable information, she was unable to effectively close the loop on how she could help before she was forced to discuss fees.

(Like many experienced attorneys, she felt that after 35 years of practice she knew what clients wanted when they came to her office.  After all, what does anyone want after being arrested for DUI?  To “get out of it” of course!  Well… maybe.)

Every person who gets arrested for DUI has different things that worry them the most.  One person may be very concerned about the financial implications.  Another may need to avoid a conviction to keep their current job.  A spouse or parent may be afraid that their loved ones will find out.  Someone who believes they have been falsely accused may want to clear their name.  Another person may be claustrophobic and fears more time in jail than anything else.  If you doubt the spectrum of concerns a client may have, consider that in 2015, a well-known entertainer chose 90 days in jail over 3 years of probation.  Priorities vary!

While this example involves a criminal defense attorney, the same concepts apply in any sales process.  Knowing your prospective client’s goals gives you an incredibly powerful advantage in their decision-making process.  It’s one thing to say, “I will be happy to take your case.  My fee is $9,000.”  It’s another to say “Tom, I know how important it is for you to be able to drive your students to their mission projects during the summer months.  I’ve handled cases in the past for clients with similarly important goals, and to give you the best opportunity for success, the fee would be $9,000.

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