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The Best Law Firm Marketing is… Prioritized.

On most days, I will receive at least one email from a client that asks, “Is this worth it?” Following their question is an offer they’ve received from a law firm marketing vendor.  The answer is always yes… and no.  All marketing has value.  Even that billboard in the desert you’ve heard so many SEO salesreps talk about is valuable, because someone will eventually drive down that road.  And when you have an unlimited marketing budget, you do it all.  Unfortunately, all but a very small group of firms are in that position.

The real question that needs to be asked when evaluating any client development investment is: “Is this the best place to spend the next available marketing dollar?”  In other words, the most effective law firm marketing strategies are those that are prioritized.  The key is to identify the products and services that will provide the best ROI for your law firm at that moment in time.  For one law firm this may be a Google paid ad campaign.  For another, it may mean top spots in one or more of the big 3 law firm directories.  And for a third, an ad in the local high school football program may be the best option for getting more clients in the door.  Each of these investments, and an infinite number of others, could be the opportunity that makes the most sense from a marketing perspective.

The key to knowing if an offer is “worth it” is information.  A law firm has to always know how its current investments are producing, as well as all the available options that exist for the next dollar.  Of course, that’s not an easy thing to achieve when you’re busy handling client matters and running the business.  But it is the only way to make consistently smart marketing investments for your law firm.

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