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6 Critical Questions to Ask Before Buying SEO

There are an endless number of companies offering search engine optimization (SEO) services to law firms today.  All make big promises of first page Google rankings, along with “risk free” money-back guarantees, exclusivity, superior ROI, and many other offers, all designed to entice you to spend your marketing dollars with them.

So how do you choose which SEO company to work with? 

The answer is “very carefully.”  Below are 6 questions that should be asked of any company offering to provide your law firm with SEO services.  Of course, these aren’t the only questions that should be asked… but they are the critical ones.

  1. In 10 seconds or less, please tell me the 3 most important things that must be done to achieve strong organic search engine rankings.

  2. What does your company specifically do for those 3 things?

  3. Are all of the people that will be working on my campaign employees of your company?

  4. What are the exact search phrases that you will be targeting, and that I can expect to rank for?

  5. How long will it take for my website to rank on the first page of Google for at least 50% of the search phrases in #4?

  6. Please show me successful results for other law firms that you’ve been working with for at least 6 months… in the same practice area as ours, and in similar-sized markets.

The answers to these questions are very important.  However, how well the questions are answered is equally as important.  In other words, if the company pitching you isn’t able or prepared to answer these questions, proceed with caution.

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